ISO Certified Language Service Provider with 30 Years of Experience
Start Course ⭐️ If the courses you need are not on the list, ask us and we'll schedule them for you! Level Days Hours
16.09.2024 Japanese language tuition Online (Lessons will be held in Latvian)  Beginners Mon., Wed. 18.00 -20:15
16.09.2024 German language tuition online (Lessons will be held in Latvian)  A1/1 Mon., Wed. 18:00 - 20:15
17.09.2024 Latvian language course Online (Lessons will be held in English)  A1/2 Tue, Thu 9:00-10:30
17.09.2024 Latvian language course for foreigners Online (Lessons will be held in English)  A1/1 Tue, Thur 18:00-19:30
23.09.2024 Latvian language course for foreigne Online   B1/1 Mon, Wed 18:00-19:30
24.09.2024 Latvian language course Online (Lessons will be held in Russian)  B1/1 Tue., Thu. 18:00-19:30
02.10.2024 English language tuition (Lessons will be held in Russian)  A2/1 Wed., Fri 18:00-19:30
05.10.2024 Latvian language course for foreigners Online (Lessons will be held in English)  A1/1 Saturdays 10:00 - 13:20